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HomePageActivity - Class in com.example.airplanned.activity
This class displays the homepage by initially welcoming the user back then displaying most recent trip planned also has a bottom navigation and links to the profile page
HomePageActivity() - Constructor for class com.example.airplanned.activity.HomePageActivity
Hotel - Class in com.example.airplanned.model
This class defines a hotel object which includes the name, location, size, and price
Hotel(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.example.airplanned.model.Hotel
HotelApi - Class in com.example.airplanned.api
The purpose of this class is to list all retrofit requests for hotels
HotelApi() - Constructor for class com.example.airplanned.api.HotelApi
HotelCredentials - Class in com.example.airplanned.api
The purpose of this class is to set up the retrofit calls for the hotel api
HotelCredentials() - Constructor for class com.example.airplanned.api.HotelCredentials
HotelListAdapter - Class in com.example.airplanned.adapter
The purpose of this class is to format the hotel page and view
HotelListAdapter(Context, int, ArrayList<Hotel>) - Constructor for class com.example.airplanned.adapter.HotelListAdapter
This constructor is to include context of the page
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