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- setAccountType(UserType) - Method in class backend.Users.User
sets the user's account type
- setActiveByEmail(String, boolean) - Method in class backend.Users.UserController
Set the active status of a user by email
- setActiveById(int, boolean) - Method in class backend.Users.UserController
Set the active status of a user by id
- setAirlineName(String) - Method in class backend.Flights.Flight
sets the name of the airliner.
- setArriving(String) - Method in class backend.Flights.Flight
sets the location the flight is arriving to.
- setCheckIn(String) - Method in class backend.Lodgings.Lodging
sets the day of checkin.
- setCheckOut(String) - Method in class backend.Lodgings.Lodging
sets the day of checkout.
- setComments(List<Comment>) - Method in class backend.Posts.Post
sets the list of comments on the post.
- setDate(String) - Method in class backend.Flights.Flight
sets the date of the flight.
- setDate(String) - Method in class backend.Posts.Post
sets the date of the post.
- setDeparting(String) - Method in class backend.Flights.Flight
sets the location the flight is leaving from.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class backend.Posts.Post
sets the description of the post.
- setDuration(String) - Method in class backend.Trips.Trip
sets the trip's duration.
- setEmailId(String) - Method in class backend.Users.User
sets the user's email address
- setFlight(Flight) - Method in class backend.Trips.Trip
sets the trip's flight.
- setId(int) - Method in class backend.Comments.Comment
sets the id of the comment.
- setId(int) - Method in class backend.Flights.Flight
sets the id of the trip.
- setId(int) - Method in class backend.Lodgings.Lodging
sets the id of the lodging.
- setId(int) - Method in class backend.Posts.Post
sets the id of the post.
- setId(int) - Method in class backend.Trips.Trip
set's the trip's id.
- setId(int) - Method in class backend.Users.User
sets the user's id
- setImage(String) - Method in class backend.Posts.Post
sets the image of the post.
- setIsActive(boolean) - Method in class backend.Users.User
sets the user's activity status
- setIsArchived(boolean) - Method in class backend.Trips.Trip
sets if the trip has taken place or not.
- setJoiningDate(Date) - Method in class backend.Users.User
sets the date of the user's account
- setLikesCounter(int) - Method in class backend.Posts.Post
sets the number of likes the post has.
- setLocation(String) - Method in class backend.Lodgings.Lodging
sets the location of the lodging.
- setLocation(String) - Method in class backend.Trips.Trip
sets the trip's location.
- setLodging(Lodging) - Method in class backend.Trips.Trip
sets the trip's lodging.
- setMessage(String) - Method in class backend.Comments.Comment
sets the message of the comment.
- setName(String) - Method in class backend.Lodgings.Lodging
sets the name of the lodging.
- setName(String) - Method in class backend.Users.User
sets the user's name
- setPassword(String) - Method in class backend.Users.User
sets the user's password
- setPosts(List<Post>) - Method in class backend.Users.User
sets the user's post list to the input
- setPrice(double) - Method in class backend.Flights.Flight
sets the price of this flight.
- setPrice(double) - Method in class backend.Lodgings.Lodging
sets the total price of the stay.
- setTitle(String) - Method in class backend.Posts.Post
sets the title of the post.
- setTrip(Trip) - Method in class backend.Flights.Flight
sets the trip that this flight belongs to.
- setTrips(List<Trip>) - Method in class backend.Users.User
sets the user's trip list to the input
- setType(LodgingType) - Method in class backend.Lodgings.Lodging
sets the type of the lodging.
- setUser(User) - Method in class backend.Comments.Comment
sets the user who created the comment.
- setUser(User) - Method in class backend.Posts.Post
sets the user who created the post.
- setUser(User) - Method in class backend.Trips.Trip
sets the user who owns the trip.
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